Saturday, July 30, 2011

Entry #6: The Talented Mr. Sticky 7.29.11

**This entry is from 7.29.11; due to technical difficulties, I was not able to actively post last night.  There will be another entry this evening for the 7.29.11 entry.  This should be the last of phantom disappearing, or "dropping", of my terribly unreliable server.

Last year, I received an email from a dear friend of mine, Matthew Sticky, from Virginia.  The email stated that he had been sending out a special gift to spinners who had inspired him, and it was now Mikie & I's turn.  We were so incredibly touched!  (The flower is now hung above my set of Japanese Fans).  Shortly after, a package arrived. In it contained a beautiful, metal, anti-spin, hybrid, flower.  Sticky, has been one of the most inspiring people to me since I had gotten involved in this community, so to receive a gift such as this completely floored me.  His style of double staff spinning is completely refined.  Edgy, innovative, and highly technical with a performance level of pure class, Sticky has never ceased to blow any audience of any calibers mind.  To parallel these qualities, he is an absolutely wonderful soul.  Incredibly approachable (and epic patience), he will never hesitate to share knowledge, and can speak technically with you for hours.  I value his friendship immensely and cannot wait for a visit so I can film some of this bad assery for all of you to witness.  Until then, please check out Sticky's facebook page:  Cheers!

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